Finance, investment, service - Optics Valley Financial Holding has been working hard for six years to achieve the original heart
2023-12-26 11:03:21


From "a beam of light" to "the world's optical Valley", from Zhuodao Spring, Lu Xiang to the east of Optical Valley, China's Optical Valley all the way east, "iron shed pioneering", a modern science and technology innovation city accelerated formation。The development of the industry is inseparable from the precise drip irrigation of financial living water。On December 26, 2017, with the launch of the 50 billion yuan Optical Valley Industrial Development Fund, Optical Valley Financial Holding was established, taking up the mission of scientific and technological financial innovation, industrial investment and scientific and creative financial investment platform construction。

After 6 years of development, the asset scale of Optics Valley Financial Holding exceeded 70.8 billion yuan, an increase of more than 10 times in 6 years;Subject credit ratingFrom AA+ to AAA;We will promote industrial investment,Steadily expand the size of the fund;The total financing approval exceeded 38 billion yuan,It issued the first digital economy special corporate bond in China, the first science and technology innovation special bond in Hubei, and the first integrated circuit special science and technology innovation corporate bond in central and western China,Approved the country's first debt investment business。

In 2023, the main business of "finance and investment" of Optics Valley Financial Holding became more prominent, successfully invested in Wuhan Agricultural Commercial Bank and Huayuan Securities, and the financial license was broken;Optics Valley Technology Guarantee company became the first city settled in the countryCredit & LoanThe platform's financing guarantee institution, the first management institution of the country's first angel investors to cultivate funds, and the financial supply continues to expand;The first National Small and medium-sized Enterprise Development Fund sub-fund settled in Optics Valley, boosting the planning and construction of Optics Valley Science and Technology New City。

Enable scientific and technological innovation Run out of the financial 'acceleration'

Finance is the lifeblood of economic development and an important engine of scientific and technological innovation。In recent years, Optics Valley Financial Holding has actively built a "full license" financial business platform, actively expanded the layout of securities, banking, insurance, guarantee, credit and other financial licenses, and led the gathering of various financial institutions and financial resources to support the construction of Wuhan New City。

Optics Valley Financial Holding deepened the layout of the financial master license, and successively became the single largest shareholder of Wuhan Agricultural Commercial Bank (holding ratio of 9.98%), became the third largest shareholder of Huayuan Securities (shareholding ratio of 12.50%) to achieve a breakthrough in financial licenses from 0-1。At the same time, it is actively promoting the capital increase of banks and securities, and deepening the connection with other financial institutions such as financial leasing and insurance。Obtained by Optical Valley Credit Investigation CompanyAfter the central bank suspended the record for three yearsHubei is the first central bank credit agency license, and in 2023, it collected more than 3 million new credit information data, issued more than 140 credit reports, and helped enterprises increase credit financing by nearly 3 billion yuan。

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Since the beginning of this year, Optics Valley Technology Guarantee has made efforts to "invest and shoulder linkage", actively developed and designed diversified innovative products, and better played the leading and demonstration role of government financing guarantee institutions while seeking a breakthrough in the volume of business scale。By the end of November,The number of financing guarantees in the insurance business exceeded 1,500,The guaranteed scale exceeded 3 billion yuan,The total bank credit reached 14.1 billion yuan,The cumulative amount of guarantees exceeded 5.2 billion yuan,The number of service enterprises exceeded 5,000 times,Among them, the small proportion of agricultural support reached 100%,Technology enterprises accounted for more than 60%,In the third quarter of 2023, the city's single business scale ranked first。


Pioneering Hubei ProvinceCustoms guaranteeProduct "Jinguan Guarantee",Innovatively released a series of financial products such as "Specialized and special new dam", "High-tech First Dam", "Optical Valley Gazelle Dam", "Innovative integral loan", "Listed nursery loan", "pilot dam", "Optoelectronic dam" and "Wuchuangdan",Link banking online products,Innovative launch of "melt E Dan" products,Cooperate to launch special financial products of Jiufengshan Laboratory;Shortlisted as the first batch of cooperative guarantee institutions in the province of "re total to total",Become the first financing guarantee institution in the city to settle in the national Xinyi loan platform;Set up Optical Valley small and medium-sized venture capital company,Simultaneously develop provincial emergency loan business and angel investor loan business,Actively attacking intellectual property ABS business。

Poly industrial investment Boost the industrial development of Wuhan New city

Irrigate the fertile soil of scientific and technological innovation with the "living water" of capital。Optical Valley Financial Holding gives full play to the advantages of financial resources, guides social capital to invest in early, small, and "hard technology" through state-owned capital investment, helps solve the "bottleneck" key core technologies through funds and equity direct investment, and continuously promotes the optimization and upgrading of Optical Valley's industrial structure。

6年来,Optical Valley Financial Holdings fund territory continues to expand,This year, we will promote the establishment of a 10 billion yuan Wuhan New City Science and Technology innovation fund and a 5 billion yuan Wuhan New City science and technology innovation guidance fund,Newly established 12 sub-funds such as Zhengge Core, Qingkong Ginkgo and Keto Mingxiang,Contribute to the National SME Development Fund sub-fund to clear the Ginkgo Optics Valley Venture Capital Fund and guide it to settle in Optics Valley。

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Four mother funds initiated the establishment of 56 participating sub-funds, with a total scale of more than 390 billion yuan, achieving a 14-fold capital amplification effect。The mother fund has invested in 1,125 enterprises, and the total number of listed companies has reached 56, including 20 listed companies on the Science and Technology board and 1 listed company on the Beijing Stock Exchange。

The total size of Wuhan New City Science and Technology Innovation fund is 10 billion yuan, the first phase is 2 billion yuan, focusing on optoelectronic information industry, medical health, high-end manufacturing, digital economy and other high-growth strategic emerging industries。The Optical Valley Industry Fund has a total scale of 50 billion yuan and initiated the establishment of 13 sub-funds to serve the national strategy。The total size of Optical Valley Venture Capital guide fund is 10 billion yuan, and 40 sub-funds have been initiated to participate in the establishment of 296 investment projects。The total size of the Optics Valley Partners Fund is 1 billion yuan, the first phase supports the "3551 Optics Valley Talent Plan", the second phase guides the operation of the fund model, and has invested in more than 400 talent enterprises in the region。


Set up Optical Valley Growth Venture Capital Fund, Optical Valley Venture Capital Fund, and Optical Valley Innovation Co-Rich Fund, three direct investment funds to deeply cultivate core technology and serve key core technology innovation。

This year, Optical Valley Financial Holdings focused on the integrated circuit industry, established Optical Valley Semiconductor Production and Investment Company, and promoted the establishment of matrix funds to carry out investment layout around the upstream and downstream of the pan-semiconductor industry chain in the high-tech zone。Has participated in the investment of two semiconductor funds, the total scale of 11.2 billion yuan, the magnification ratio of more than 20 times, has completed the three selected technology,Wuhan MinshengProject investment, Turner Fei, Xinchuangyuan, etc., was rated as "the Best State-owned Investment Institution in 2023" by IC Fengyun List.。




Renderings of the phase I project of Wuhan New City Science and Technology Finance Headquarters and Optics Valley Technology Finance Industrial Park

At the same time, in order to improve the spatial carrying capacity of Optical Valley industry, Optical Valley Financial Holdings has also developed industrial park investment business, and invested in the construction of Optical Valley Science and technology Financial Industrial Park, Zhuxin Science and Technology Industrial Park, Optical Valley Hard science and Technology Industrial Park, digital economy Innovation Park and other science and technology parks with their own industrial characteristics。Among them, the first phase of the Kechuang Financial headquarters project and the construction of core innovation and research space project are included in the key construction projects of Wuhan New City。


Linking multiple forces Create a financial investment platform for science and innovation

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Guided by the needs of the whole life cycle of science and technology enterprises, Optical Valley Financial Holding highly integrates the service resources of science and technology innovation, and establishes Optical Valley Science and Technology Service Company in 2022 to help Optical Valley build a service system for science and technology enterprises in the whole life cycle。

Initiated the establishment of Optical Valley Science and Technology Service Alliance and Optical Valley Gazelle Investment and Financing Service Center, and served as a "jump-starter" for Gazelle enterprises. In 2023, Optical Valley Financial Holding was awarded the "Excellent Investment Institution helping Optical Valley Gazelle".。This year, the service of science and innovation space has been launched in an orderly manner,Optics Valley Investment bank base successfully listed Beijing Stock Exchange Central China base,Zhuxin Park exhibition hall was approved to be listed as East Lake High-tech Zone integrated circuit Industry Base exhibition center,Optics Valley World Trade Center creates the first digital culture incubation space in Optics Valley,Complete the record of district-level mass maker space;Optics Valley Accounting Demonstration base has linked 58 financial and intellectual service institutions in the past 3 years,Organized 40 fiscal and taxation lectures,More than 100,000 views。We held 30 series of investment and financing service activities such as "Capital Park Tour", closed-door forum, and overseas financing business exchange forum in high quality, serving more than 400 enterprises and building a bridge between enterprises and financial resources。


At the same time, Optical Valley Digital Production Company participated in the coordination of the construction and operation of "Digital Optical Valley", the "Optical Valley Cloud" project has been successfully launched and launched services, and projects such as urban operation management center, i Optical Valley mini program, and information system of comprehensive protection area are under construction;Participate in Big Data Capability Platform Phase 2, CIM Platform phase 2, iot perception platform,All-optical networkThere were 13 major government data infrastructure investment projects to promote the high-quality development of digital economy industries in high-tech zones。Optics Valley Cultural Communication Company has opened 3 new Optical Valley city study rooms, and the number of operating study rooms of the group has reached 6, providing high-quality public cultural services for regional enterprises and the public。


Promote the high-quality development of Optical Valley technology finance,Optics Valley Financial Holding Group will adhere to the theme of promoting high-quality development,Seize the opportunity to build "Wuhan New City" and "World Optics Valley",Take the development of the service industry as the primary goal,We will comprehensively deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises,We will accelerate the transformation of market-based operations,Brave a new road on a new and higher starting point,Braced together, we will write a new chapter in the group's development。