The voice of Hubei reported that Optics Valley technology guarantee helps enterprises rescue
2022-12-15 14:41:01

Regional development depends on projects in the short term, policies in the medium term and the environment in the long term。Recently, the Regulation on Optimizing the Business Environment of Hubei Province (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) was voted through, which is the first local regulation on optimizing the business environment of Hubei Province, and will be implemented on March 1, 2023。The Regulations firmly focus on cost control, and optimize the institutional supply from more than 20 links such as market access, enterprise registration, bidding, implementation of pro-enterprise policies, and reduction of financing costs。

The rule of law is the best business environment。In March this year, the Optics Valley Legal Service Center was officially inaugurated, which is also the first legal service center for optimizing the business environment in Hubei Province。After the establishment of the Centre, many enterprises can obtain "one-stop" legal services without leaving the park。Li Shuying, head of Wuhan Pop Box Technology Service Co., LTD. : "In the process of enterprise development, whether it is financing, equity, including personnel contracts, legal teams have always been needed。Outside to find a law firm is generally a year to sign, the price ranges from 20,000 to 60,000。Now with this service center, we can reduce our operating costs。”

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Optics Valley legal Service Center, second floor

According to the person in charge of the Optical Valley Legal Service Center, since its establishment, the center has accepted more than 180 legal appeals involving enterprises and individuals, and issued 18 notaries of entrustment。In addition, the center also conducted pre-litigation mediation for many enterprises involved in legal conflicts, and conducted free legal medical examinations for enterprises within the jurisdiction。"We move the port of legal risk prevention and control forward, for example, enterprises can come to us when they encounter some legal problems in terms of contracts, taxes and so on, all of which are free and do not need any cost.。This is also an important measure launched by Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone in order to reduce costs for enterprises。

The person in charge said that the Regulations have made clear provisions on optimizing the market environment and guaranteeing the rule of law, which has played a guiding role in the follow-up work。"Legislation can lead the way。The Regulations have made institutional responses to many of the pain points and difficulties in market opening and government services。The next step will also carefully study the content of the Regulations, not only to promote to enterprises, the specific measures in the Regulations, but also to solidly implement and promote in daily work。”

Technological and financial innovation has always been one of the important measures to help enterprises rescue。As of the end of September this year, Wuhan technology enterprises financing guarantee business amount 28.20 billion yuan, an increase of 78 percent in the third quarter.28%。General manager of Financing Guarantee Department of Wuhan Optics Valley Technology Guarantee Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Optics Valley Technology Guarantee"),The company thoroughly implements the relevant policy requirements,By waiving the loan business guarantee premium of less than 1 million yuan and waiving the loan business guarantee premium of special enterprises (small and micro enterprises, science and technology enterprises, etc.) that meet the policy,Lower financing costs for enterprises。"Exemptions for enterprises account for almost 80 per cent of the total。Second, we should reduce and waive insurance premiums。Before, our premium was 1%, now it has been reduced to 5‰, and some have been reduced to 4‰.”

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Yan Ming (second from right) and colleagues to a provincial "specialized special new" science and technology enterprises to interview

In addition, the company also strengthened the in-depth cooperation with banks and shortened the approval process through a productized cooperation model。Yan Ming introduced that since the beginning of this year, the cumulative amount of the company's guarantee business has reached nearly 2 billion yuan, and there are nearly 500 guarantee customers。"Through the productized approval mode, the approval speed of the bank can be accelerated with our internal approval efficiency, so as to achieve synergy as far as possible, so as to reduce the time cost of financing for customers.。In short, the customer can get the money quickly。”

Whether it is the reform of "discharge management service" in government services, the problem of financing difficulties and expensive financing in the market environment, or fair competition in the guarantee of the rule of law, etc., the Regulations have made clear provisions on various development blocks and difficulties in the "whole life cycle" of market players。Ye Xueping, director of the Economic Research Institute of the Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the introduction of the Regulations is a powerful measure for Hubei to continue to optimize the business environment and stabilize economic growth。

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Ye Xueping, director of Economic Research Institute of Hubei Academy of Social Sciences

Ye Xueping: "The content is very comprehensive, and the core is how to serve the market players well, and the measurement standard is to save the market players, whether it is capital cost or time cost.。In this process, what the government should do and what it cannot do are well regulated in the Regulations。The introduction of the Regulations will help create a better environment for attracting investment and talents to support sustainable economic development。”